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Omega Yeast Hornindal Kveik OYL-091 150ml Liquid Slurry
Omega Yeast Hornindal Kveik OYL-091  150ml Liquid Slurry
Our Price: $9.35

Quantity in Stock:2

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Product Code: OYL-091

We will not replace or refund shipped liquid yeast that arrives warm/hot under any circumstances. Adding an icepack is an option that may minimize issues when weather is warm or hot in New Jersey, your state, or anywhere in between. Additionally, you may want to have liquid yeast shipped separately with an express shipping method such as UPS next day if you are outside of UPS one-day ground zones. Orders with liquid yeast, being shipped to areas with longer than 1-2 day shipping, will ship on Mondays or Tuesdays.


Another unique kveik originating from the farmhouses of Norway. We preserved the original blend of strains to bring the best possible complexity. Hornindal produces an intense tropical flavor and aroma with notes of fresh pineapple, mango, and tangerine. Compliments fruit-forward hops as well as adds another dimension to beer made with traditional “C” hops. Warmer fermentation temperatures will increase the aromatic profile and fermentation speed. Non-phenolic. Like Hothead and Voss Kveik, it ferments well without off flavors at 90+° F.

We do our best to insulate liquid yeast packs in a bubble wrap envelope but you'll have a much better chance of viability if you select an ice pack in the accessory list. Generally a single ice pack is enough for up to three packs of yeast.

Ice Pack for Yeast Shipping
Our Price: $1.00

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5 of 5 May 17, 2019
Reviewer: Allen Zhang from Belle mead, NJ United States  

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