One side threads on to the MFL (male flare) on beer or gas keg quick disconnects (or any other male flare fitting) and the other side has a 3/8" hose barb. This is a larger barb than would typically be used for a homebrew kegging system unless you are running 3/8" gas lines or long draft lines for the liquid side. However, our favorite use is to put it on the end of our racking tubing so that we can thread it to a liquid keg QD, attach it to the liquid out side of a keg, and fill kegs through the diptube for a low oxygen, sanitary fill. In other words, if you fill your kegs this way, you're not splashing the beer and you don't need to put several feet of racking tubing inside the keg which can introduce contaminents if you are not careful. The flare size is 1/4" FFL,