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2Row Brewer's Malt RAHR 55 LB Sack
2Row Brewer's Malt RAHR 55 LB Sack
Our Price: $61.00

Quantity in Stock:7

Product Code: 2ROW_RAHR_SACK

Grain Sack Options:

55LB in this bag

Rahr Standard 2-Row is a light-colored base malt made from a blend of North American 2-Row barley varieties. It is darker than most lager malts, but lighter than most pale ale malts. It has moderate protein levels, and good extract yield. Its neutral characteristics make it extremely versatile, and it is widely used by North American craft breweries as their standard base malt for any beer style.

Color SRM 1.5-2.0
Moisture % Max 4.0
Protein Total 11.5 ± 0.5
Extract FG Min 80
Usage Rate Up to 100%

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