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Fermonster 7 Gallon PET Widemouth Fermenter
Fermonster 7 Gallon PET Widemouth Fermenter
Our Price: $29.00

Quantity in Stock:13


Brilliantly clear with built-in 5,6 and 7 gallon markers on the side for your convenience. The 4" wide mouth opening and rib- less side make mixing and cleaning a breeze. **Requires a #10 stopper or Intermediate Universal Stopper.

Finally the volume constraints of the older style 6 gallon PET carboys have been overcome. We can now ferment a high yielding 5.5 gallon batch without tons of blow off. Even better, this smooth sided option doesn't allow yeast to settle on the walls and that leaves a much cleaner product during final racking. The lid has a captured oring design for a positive seal.

When full, please carry this fermenter with either a brewhauler style strap or use a square milk crate or similar storage container to support from the bottom.

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Adhesive Fermenting Thermometer Carboy Calibration Decals Fermonster Carrier Straps Double Bubble Airlock
Three Piece Airlock Bubbler Rubber Stopper, Drilled, #10 Universal Stopper Intermediate - Drilled
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Three Piece Airlock Bubbler Rubber Stopper, Drilled, #10 Universal Stopper Intermediate - Drilled

Average Rating: Average Rating: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 1 Click Here to Write a Review »

  1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Great fermenters September 3, 2016
Reviewer: Steven Chard from phoenix, AZ United States  
Great size for large beers with lots of dry hops. Easy to clean too.

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