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Smooth Oatperator (Oatmeal Stout) - 5 Gal All Grain Recipe Kit
Smooth Oatperator (Oatmeal Stout) - 5 Gal All Grain Recipe Kit
Our Price: $25.00

Quantity in Stock:2


Grain Milling Option:

Oatmeal stout is often misunderstood. People think oatmeal like an oatmeal cookie and expect it to be really sweet. It's not quite as sweet and chewy as a Milk Stout (sweet stout) but it does have more body than a Guinness. The oats in the recipe lend a very silky smooth mouthfeel to a beer that would otherwise come across as quite roasty from all the dark malts.

11 pounds of grain, mostly Maris Otter combined with EKG Hops makes for an inexpensive and quaffable drinker. This beer will do well with either a direct pitch of White Labs WLP002, Omega Brit VIII or a pack of dry US-04 or Nottingham (select it as an add on in the accessory list). If you plan to bottle condition, be sure you have 4-5 ounces of priming sugar. You can purchase that as an accessory as well.
For emphasis: This kit does not include yeast, it must be selected from the accessories list on the right.

Batch Size (fermenter): 5.25 gal
Bottling Volume: 5 gal
Estimated OG: 1.055 SG
Estimated Color: 32.7 SRM
Estimated IBU: 33.6 IBUs
Brewhouse Efficiency: 70.00 %
Boil Time: 60 Minutes

Don't forget to add your preferred yeast, priming sugar, and bottle caps if you need them.

Other acceptable modifications to this recipe:
  • Add one extra pound of Maris Otter base malt to boost ABV by .5%

Omega Yeast Extra Special - formerly British Ale VIII (OYL-016) (compares to WLP-002 or WY1968) 150ml Liquid Slurry* Fermentis SafAle S-04 11.5 g White Labs PPNG WLP002 English Ale Liquid Yeast Pack Priming Sugar Corn Sugar Dextrose 5 oz
Our Price: $9.99

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Sale Price: $2.75

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Our Price: $13.99

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Our Price: $1.00

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Omega Yeast Extra Special - formerly British Ale VIII (OYL-016) (compares to WLP-002 or WY1968) 150ml Liquid Slurry* Fermentis SafAle S-04 11.5 g White Labs PPNG WLP002 English Ale Liquid Yeast Pack Priming Sugar Corn Sugar Dextrose 5 oz
Maris Otter Malt, Muntons LB Oxygen Absorbing SILVER Crowns Bottle Caps 144 count Lallemand Nottingham Yeast 11 g
Our Price: $1.75

Our Price: $4.25

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Our Price: $4.33

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Maris Otter Malt, Muntons LB Oxygen Absorbing SILVER Crowns Bottle Caps 144 count Lallemand Nottingham Yeast 11 g

Average Rating: Average Rating: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 2 Click Here to Write a Review »

  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Great beer November 26, 2024
Reviewer: Andy from NC United States  
This worked out great for me.  It's only been in the keg 1 week, so it's a bit early, but so far it's really impressive.  I went with Nottingham dry yeast, and was amazed at how quickly it worked and floculated out.  Great balanced, smooth beer.  I could see this in the rotation a few times a year.

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 So far so good. July 14, 2020
Reviewer: Kenneth Galipeau from Hackettstown, NJ United States  
This kit is still in the fermenter, but the NE IPA, Dank at Dusk kits came out great!

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