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Corny Keg Continuous Seltzer Lid
Corny Keg Continuous Seltzer Lid
Our Price: $62.99

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Nothing is more refreshing that having your own soda water on tap at home. SodaStream units are great but filling up those tiny 1L bottles is a pain and those small CO2 cylinders run out fast and are expensive to swap. Solve this problem once and for all with the Continuous Soda Carbonator Keg Reactor Solution. To be extra clear, this lid will keep your seltzer keg full at all times which means you don't have to keep refilling the tank and waiting for it to carbonate. Once you have a full keg carbonated to the level you like, it will just stay there forever.

KegLand has invented this really easy-to-use keg lid that attaches to a standard ball lock keg.
Position the keg inside your fridge or kegerator (ideally below 40°F).
Set your CO2 regulator to 30-50 psi, depending on how highly carbonated you like your soda water.
On first use, purge the air from the headspace of the keg.
Connect your tap water to the water inlet post on the lid of the keg.
We recommend using a check valve on your tap water line to prevent soda water from going back into your house plumbing. You can purchase an MFL/FFL inline check valve in the accessory list on the right. Note that it will add a bit of height so if you don't have much head room in your fridge, you may opt to use a liquid QD that has a horizontal input port such as our stainless steel ones shown in the accessories on the right.

IMPORTANT! For the Carbonator Keg Lid to work well, the mains water pressure should be 30-40 psi higher than your regulator set pressure (from Step 4). That means if you have a well water pump running at around 40-50psi, this product is not for you.

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Ball Lock Keg Disconnect ALL STAINLESS - Beer Side - Male Flare MFL Push Fit Fitting (Duotight) - 1/4" FFL x 5/16 Tube Inline Check Valve, MFL x FFL, CM Becker Ball Lock Keg Disconnect - Beer Side - Male Flare MFL (CMB)

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