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Fermentation Heat Wrap Heater (40 watts)
Fermentation Heat Wrap Heater (40 watts)
Our Price: $21.99

Quantity in Stock:27

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Product Code: FERMWRAP

This simple heating wrap has a lot of surface area for nice even heat around any carboy or bucket. Wrap it around and secure with either tape or a large rubberband/bungie cord. This unit does NOT have a built in thermostat so you will need to use a controller of some sort such as the Inkbird ITC-308 as seen in the accessories on the right.

The picture shows it in its installed position, carboy not included.

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Average Rating: Average Rating: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 6 Click Here to Write a Review »

  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Tremendous Value May 10, 2023
Reviewer: Mick Whelan from Burnsville, MN United States  
Just purchased my second fermentation wrap.  This wrap is about half the cost of others on the market and does a great job. I bought my first one from BrewHardware about 3 years ago and it's still working fine.

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Heat wrap July 20, 2017
Reviewer: Richard Pirnat from Long Branch, NJ United States  
A well made product. It seems to heat evenly and well as tested on my conical with my Inkbird. I will be using this much more in the winter months but its good to know that I have it and am ready to maintain my temps cooling or heating whatever the season.

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  1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Nice product. April 15, 2017
Reviewer: Jon Morales from Scotch Plains, NJ United States  
Bought a pair of these in early spring in case they would not be in stock when I would need them in my basement for next winter.  With an ambient temperature of 60F, I ended up using them right away to ramp up the temperature in the back end of primary. The heat wrap here is a nice product and it works as you would expect providing gentle heat evenly on the outside of a carboy.  It does not completely cover the carboy (big mouth bubbler) but it still works.  As the description says you really should pair this with a temp controller or you could have problems. Best value found here.

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Heater wrap March 12, 2017
Reviewer: Terry Lowry from LAKE ORION, MI United States  
Works great - would recommend.  I used masking tape along the edge of the wrap to affix it to the vessel that I wanted heated.  It will not wrap all the way around a fermenting bucket or carboy but that doesn't matter.

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  0 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Great! December 22, 2015
Reviewer: Marlea Munger from Mexico, NY United States  
This was purchased as a gift.  The recipient was very happy.

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