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Add TC Ports to any pump or SS CFC chiller
Add TC Ports to any pump or SS CFC chiller
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Our Price: $55.00

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We've developed 1.5 TC fittings that mount to pump in/out ports with a very small seam with no thread exposure to the liquid path. This product code includes two of those fittings including the labor charge to TIG weld them on to any pump or pump head that you must also purchase on the same order. The weld bead is polished smooth for a sanitary liquid path.

We can put these TC ports on any SS Chugger pump or replacement head (excluding the MAX), Blichmann Riptide, Mark II or Topflo TD5.

This option may delay your order by 2-3 days. You can also ship us a head for this modification and you pay shipping both ways.

Average Rating: Average Rating: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 1 Click Here to Write a Review »

  1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 TC ports added to my pump head January 3, 2021
Reviewer: Dave from Bend, OR United States  
Migrating everything in my garage brewery to tri-clamps for ease of cleaning/maintenance and eliminating threaded fittings.  Shipped one of my two Riptide pump heads to Brew Hardware and they welded on TC ports at a very reasonable price.  Beautiful work.  Returned to me in about a week.  Will send the second pump head for the same treatment.

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